sharp手机小游戏_sharp game





sharp手机小游戏_sharp game












       现在sharp9120c在网上买 行货也就2500 最低2350左右

       X1貌似降价很多 值得出手

       其实sharp的媒体播放器功能并不是很强大 只是在看视屏的时候因为屏幕显示效果比较好(当然有的格式支持的很完美) 再加上日系的手机在音乐播放上一贯有的柔美内放音质(耳机巨丑 建议在淘宝上买个白色的配sharp 才对得起它的外形)所以在媒体播放器上表现还算中规中矩 但是X1就不如sharp 因为它在看视屏的时候 经常出现锯齿和中断(卡带的感觉)

       X1算是比较经典的机型 大屏触控 加侧滑上翘键盘 无不显示设计的精巧与可用性

       夏普和X1比 最大的失败在于夏普的扩展能力太弱 但是对于比较常用的QQ(支持2008版本的)UC浏览器 飞信等 还是可以比较好的支持的

       而X1的扩展力根本不用说 太强大了!Windows Mobile系统可玩性巨高 1500mh的电池续航能力还不错 但是因为手机是大屏的 所以比较耗电 而夏普的只有700多毫安 真是小的可怜

       虽然夏普运用MTK的平台(山寨机用的平台) 但是在夏普的二次开发及优化后 已经很漂亮和速度了 可以换主题 但是不能设置字体大小(不能设置字体大小不是问题 问题在于它字体大还不能设置...)

       综上:如果你是喜欢下那些新奇的小软件 或是小游戏 又希望实现多软件同时操作 就选X1 虽然机型比较旧 但是还是很经典的(“值得一提”的是它的摄像头只有320W)

       如果你只是发个短信 打个电话 用手机照照相 最多上个QQ 聊聊飞信 而且对手机的扩展性能要求并不是很高 就选择夏普的9120c:外表拉风 摄像头有500W (其实320W和500W在手机上看不出成像效果的差别 但是在电脑上很明显的看出来320W的明显比500W的显示效果差那么点)


       杜芬舒斯语录 Ah ha! I got you this time, Perry the Platypus!


       Ha! I know I shouldn't laugh, but I really can't help myself.


       Really? You call that an escape attempt?


       Ah come on now, were you even trying? It's okay, you can tell me.


       You look like you could use a Level-Solve-inator. Am I right? Huh? Huh?


       Could you hurry up? I need to pick up Vanessa from school today.


       Again? How come you can defeat all my other evil genius plans but this little mobile makes you all weak in the knees?


       Did you lose again? Oh, I was thinking this would be a good day, and now it's even better!


       Hah! With you out of the way, there is no one to stop me from taking over the Tri-State Area!


       See! All your good is no match for all my evil!


       See, now you know how it feels to he a piece of machinery you're depending on just fall apart on you.


       I could fix that, you know. (sing song) But I won't!


       You probably shouldn't he put that in there. I'm just saying.


       Oh look, the sludge messes up your generator. You should remember that, Perry the Platypus.


       Do you need some more water, Perry the Platypus? Well, you can't he mine.


       Why did you use up all your water? That was wasteful, you should conserve.


       You know, you should probably se some water to power that generator. That would be a smart move.


       Where's your water? ... What? What did I say? What?


       Ice try, Perry the Platypus! Get it? Because you're frozen in a block of ice! Its clever!

       鸭嘴兽泰瑞,试试冰块! 明白了吗?因为你冻结在冰块中了!聪明!

       Ohh Looks like the enemy of the platypus- is ICE! Who'd thought!


       What? It's just a tube? What is the big problem?


       Oh see, see, that was one of my -inators that stopped you. See how I did that?


       Not so good with the steam, are you? That's too bad. It's wonderful for the skin.


       Where did all your steam go? I guess up, probably.

       你的蒸汽去哪儿了? 我想可能上去了。

       Looks like you could use a steam-maker-inator, Perry the Platypus. (laughs)


       This is so easy, it's not even fun anymore. Oh, who am I kidding? This is SO MUCH FUN!

       这是很容易,但这不再有趣了。哦,我在开玩笑? 这不更加有趣!

       Look at all those things you unearthed. And by unearthed, I mean completely earthed!


       Oh, this puzzle is very abstract. And by abstract, I mean completely, uh, stract? I'm still working on that one.

       哦,这个迷宫很抽象。 抽象的意识是非常深奥?我还在努力解决它。

       Perry the Platypus, would you mind introducing this one yourself? I'm a little tired today. I didn't get much sleep.


       Wait! Perry the Platypus, are you still stuck in those tubes? I completely forgot about you. Cause you know, you're taking a long time.


       Now we're going to play a little game I call Perry the Platypus Stuck Inside An Underground Tube With Little Hope of Escape!


       Wow, look at all of that. I'm glad I don't he to figure this one out.

       哇,看这一切。 我很高兴我不必解决这个难题。

       While you're stuck down there, I'll be out doing something EVIL. I'm not sure what yet, but trust me, it will be totally EVIL.


       You know, maybe I should call you Perry the Stuck-underground-apus. It might be more apropos.


       Hen't I seen this before? Actually, this looks a lot like something I've seen on my pocket-talk-inator. I know, I know it’s a fancy name for my mobile phone I know.

       我以前没有见过这个?其实,这看起来像在我的口袋讲话终结者中看到的很多东西。 我知道,我知道对于自己知道的移动手机,这个名字有点奇怪。

       Inators? Oh, that's so amateur. I was making -inators when I was like five or something.


       Cool-inators? Oh, that's so amateur. I was making Cool-inators when I was like five or something.


       Heat-inators? Oh, that's so amateur. I was making Heat-inators when I was like like four.


       Oooh! What's that black sludge? I betcha I could do something evil with it.

       噢噢!那是黑色污泥吗? 我可以用它做点坏事。

       Maybe you need to move those things around, ya think... You know, I really should stop helping you so much.


       Say, those switches look like the switch-inators I used to make. I wonder what hened to them.


       That -inator looks a little different. Whatever you do, don't touch it. Really, I mean it. Don't touch it.


       Now, Perry the Platypus, I hope you don't get... cold feet! Ha ha! Get it? Because of the ice?

       现在,鸭嘴兽泰瑞,我希望你不要...冷得害怕! 啊哈!明白了吗?因为冰块?

       Be sure you don't get steamed, Perry the Platypus! ... You see what I did there?


       You know, this whole situation reminds me of a day back in Gimmelshtump. We would all get together to dig holes and pour water into them...

       你知道,整个状况让我想起在 故乡的岁月。我们一起挖洞,倒水......

       …but one time Gunter wouldn't pull me back up no matter how loud I cried... I mean asked...


       ...and then I noticed the trail of mole droppings in the hole. (shudders) Mole droppings E, mole droppings. To this day, I can't stand the sight of mole droppings…not that most people can.


       Sorry, we seem to he gotten disconnected. Where was I? Oh yes, the mole monsters.

       很抱歉,我们似乎扯远了。我刚才说到哪了? 哦,是的,鼹鼠粪便。

       ...and I thought they would make me their king, but arently mole monsters are more of a communal collective, not a monarchy…go figure


       …and how was I supposed to know that Gunter had a pet mole monster? I mean…


       Perry the Platypus! Are you cutting off my rambling tragic backstory!? That's totally…

       鸭嘴兽泰瑞!你能不能停止讲述那些悲惨故事!?这完全 …

       Perry the Platypus! If you cut me off once more, I promise I will...


       Fine! If you don't reciate my flashbacks, then I'm done. No more flashbacks. See how you like that, Mr. Smarty pants.


       I mean, what is it with games these days? Back in Gimmelshtump, we only had one game, but we were hy. Sure, maybe Exploding Schnitzlekelp wasn't the safest game for kids to play, but the other kids insisted that it was the only game in the whole country. And I was really good at it! ... You know, as the person who got exploded on. You know now that I think of it, we did he kickball, but I don't want to talk about that. It's a whole different tragic backstory; I don't he time to get into it. This one's already gone on WAY longer than I'd expected. That's how it is with flashbacks, though. Sometimes they just get away from you. Sometimes they he a life of their own.

       我的意思是,这些天这些游戏如何?想当年在故乡,我们只有一个有戏,而现在我们非常高兴。当然,也许“爆炸”对孩子而言不是最安全的有戏,但其他孩子坚持认为它是整个国家的唯一游戏。而且我确实玩的很好!(敲打)你知道,因为被炸的是人。 你知道现在我想到它,我们也有踢球,但我不想谈论这个。这是一个完全不同的悲惨故事;我没有时间去讲它。它确实比我想象的要长。虽然,通过倒叙可以讲述。有时候,它们只是离你而去。有时,它们有自己的生活。

       Perry the Platypus! I see you've found my evil heat-inators! I hope you'll find them suitably evil... and deadly!


       Perry the Platypus! I see you've found my evil cool-inators! I hope you'll find them suitably evil... and deadly!


       Oh, I can't wait to tell you about this plan! You see, I dumped all my old -inators in the ground, so now you can't get to your briefing! And no briefing, means there's no one to stop my EVIL!


       See, that's another of my old -inators. I'm not quite sure what it does, but pretty sure it was evil. I mean what are the odds?

       看,这是我的另一些老式终结者。我不太确定它能做什么,但肯定不是好事。 我的意思是胜算有多少?

       Oh Perry the Platypus, he I ever told you why I created these -inators? Well it all started when I was a young boy in Gimmelshtump - (Perry slips through his tube) Wait- where did you go!? This exposition is important to the plooooootttt!

       哦,鸭嘴兽泰瑞,我是否曾告诉你我为什么制造这些终结者?这一切始于我小时候在故乡时(泰瑞通过管道滑动),等等,你去了哪里!? 这个展览会对很重要!

       Oh Perry the Platypus, he I ever told you why I created these heat-inators? Well it all started when I was a young boy in Gimmelshtump - (Perry slips through his tube) Wait- where did you go!? This exposition is important to the plooooootttt!

       哦,鸭嘴兽泰瑞,我是否曾告诉你我为什么制造这些加热终结者?这一切始于我小时候在故乡时(泰瑞通过管道滑动),等等,你去了哪里!? 这个展览会对很重要!

       Oh Perry the Platypus, he I ever told you why I created these cool -inators? Well it all started when I was a young boy in Gimmelshtump - (Perry slips through his tube) Wait- where did you go!? This exposition is important to the plooooootttt!

       哦,鸭嘴兽泰瑞,我是否曾告诉你我为什么制造这些制冷终结者?这一切始于我小时候在故乡时(泰瑞通过管道滑动),等等,你去了哪里!? 这个展览会对很重要!

       Why is the sludge all of a sudden in color? I liked it when it was black, like my soul.


       Oh, so the sludge absorbs hot or cold. I get it now.

       哦,这样的污泥会吸收热或冷。 现在我明白了。

       Look, it's a rainbow of sludge - a sludge-bow ou ou… I wonder if you can ever he a double sludge-bow. That would be so intense.

       看,是个彩虹污泥,污泥弓…不知你是否也曾经有过双污泥弓。 这将是如此激烈。

       Yes I know, this -inator I made is kind of awesome... and also, kind of ridiculous.

       是的,我知道,我制造的这个终结者很恐怖。 (敲打)还有点可笑。

       How much dirt is down there? If you ask me, underground, has too much ground and not enough under.

       有多少污泥在那里? 如果你问我,在地下有很多土,但还不足够。

       You know, I never did find an evil use for dirt- dot dot dot, yet!


       All this dirt reminds me of, well, of a dirt pile I had as a kid.


       Boom! (evil laugh)


       ouuuuh, I love explosions.


       Oh, that sounded exciting!


       That was quite loud. My ears are ringing a little.


       This time the explosion was on you, Perry the Platypus!


       It's time to give up, Perry the Platypus!


       Look! A distraction! Ha ha - made you look.


       Wait, how does that taunt go…Oh yes, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah - you can't get me. I remember.

       等等,如何嘲讽…噢,是的, - 你不能让我。我记得。

       What are those gnomes doing there? Is that from one of my old schemes? I can't remember.


       There's that sludge again. You know, I'm starting to like it. Embrace the sludge.


       That sludge kind of reminds me of my heart... black and evil.


       You know, Maybe I should make a sludge-inator. What do you think? I feel like I've done everything else.

       你知道,也许我该制造一台污泥终结者。 你觉得呢?我觉得我已做了其他东西。

       Brrrr... it must be getting cold in here. Let me see if I can find you a coat.

       Brrrr... 它必须在这里越来越冷。让我看看,我能为你找件外套。

       All that ice reminds me of one of my forite inators - the Freeze-inator.


       Ice! Hmm…you know what would be good right now, a nice iced coffee. Don't you think?


       The heat-inator is going to get you!


       I'm rooting for the -inators!


       I was getting a bored, so I thought I'd add a little excitement with - wait for it - heat-inators!

       我有点无聊,我想加点刺激 - 等着 - 加热终结者!

       I was getting bored, so I thought I'd add a little excitement with - wait for it - cool-inators!

       我有点无聊,我想加点刺激 - 等着 - 制冷终结者!

       Heat-inators. How unexpected. And by unexpected, I mean completely expected!


       Cool-inators. How unexpected. And by unexpected, I mean completely expected!


       Inators. How unexpected. And by unexpected, I mean totally expected!


       Oooh, what's that? Oh right, I remember that one.


       Wow, look at all those old -inators.


       You'll never make it, Perry the Platypus!


       (laughs) Nice try…Not really.


       Really? That's it?


       Ooh, that was actually quite good.


       See, when water gets hot it turns into steam. That's science!


       All that steam reminds me of my old Sauna-inator. It was an entire spa in one device.

       所有蒸汽让我想起我的老式终结者。 在一台机器内实现整个水疗。

       All that steam and foreboding sense of doom reminds of an evil geniuses convention I went to in Florida.


       Is it me, or is it getting a little steamy in there?


       What could be taking you so long? Usually you've kicked me in the stomach like a hundred times by now.


       Are you still stuck down there? Well, in case you're wondering, it's nice and sunny up here.

       你还困在那儿? 嗯,在你思考时,这里不错,阳光明媚。 Wait! Where's my balloon?

       等等! 我的气球在哪里?

       Balloony! You know I hate hide and seek!


       (groans) This is the Prague Balloon Olympics all over again!


       Is this because I said you looked a little hey?


       When I said you were full of hot air, I was being factual! Wasn't a slight. It’s a literal statement.

       当我说你充满热空气时,我说的是事实! 是不是有点轻蔑。这是字面意思。

       Balloony! Come back!


       Balloony! Don't go! Please!


       Why didn't you tell me you were feeling light-headed?


       Was it something I saaaaaaaaid?!


       But But I built you without legs so that you wouldn't run awayyyyyy!!!!!!


       Oh Balloony, I will rebuild you, I promise! And this time out of stainless steel so that you'll never pop! But you know probably won't float either.


       Balloony! No!


       Balloony, I will enge you!


       Where's Perry the Platypus? Maybe he can make you all better.


       (sobs) Balloony, you can never be replaced in my heart... Well, I guess I could just buy another balloon. I mean I've got a felt marker.

       (抽泣)气球,你在我的心中永远无法替代。(敲打)好吧,我想我可以买另一个气球。 我的意思是我有一个感觉标志。



       Balloony! Not again!


       Why do the good ones always lee me too soon?


       It's just like that time I befriended an alligator. Except, you know, no teeth, and made of rubber, filled with helium. Ok, its nothing like that.


       If you'd been a water balloon this never would've hened.


       Balloony! It's you-ny!


       Oh, Balloony! You came back!


       Oh, how I've missed you, Balloony!


       Fly, balloony! Fly! Be free.


       Balloony! Promise you'll never lee me again!


       Go, Team Doof-alnoony! What, you don't like that name? It's a mash-up. It could be Balloofenshmirtz.


       You know, that looked a little dangerous. I'm glad you were careful.


       Balloony, I promise that I will double knot you to my wrist from now on!


       Oh Balloony, I promise I'll get you that balloon animal pet you wanted!


       Come on Balloony, lets go drive in the carpool lane.


       Rise Balloony! Rise like yeast in baking bread!

       上升,气球!像烤面包酵母一样上升吧! 有点三明治样。不要像香蕉面包似的,因为它不会升高。

       Watch out for the-- oh I can't look!


       Fly higher, my balloon friend!


       Ahhh! Don't pop! Don’t pop!


       Fly to me, Balloony!


       Balloony! I believe in you!


       You're very good at that, Balloony.


       Balloony! I had no idea you could fly so well!


       Stay away from sharp things! And sticks! Sticks are bad!




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